Division of Retirement Accounts
Retirement accounts represent one of the significant assets distributed among couples in a New Jersey divorce. If you and your spouse are divorcing, funds in a 401k or other retirement accounts to which you have contributed during the marriage are subject to equitable distribution. New Jersey laws address equitable distribution of retirement...
Negotiating Child Custody During the Holidays
Your first holiday season following a divorce may be difficult. You may have celebrated the holidays with your former spouse and their family but are now no longer included in their festivities. When children are part of the equation, these feelings can be exponentially harder to sort out, especially if you and...
DV Procedures, Risk Assessments and Protective Orders
Domestic violence and non-domestic sexual assault can have serious consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator. The victim has to deal with the trauma of the assault, and the abuser will have a criminal record that could lead to unemployment, loss of child custody, jail time and heavy fines. This article...
The Unique Challenges of FD Cases
Non-dissolution family cases, with the docket FD, are defined as litigation involving claims arising out of a non-marital family-type relationship. These cases are treated differently than those of the same category relating to a married couple and have sometimes been referred to by judges as the “Wild West” of family law...