In Western Colorado Millennial Generation Father and Mother with Pre Toddler Infant Young Family Playing in Yard of their Home on a Sunny Summer Day (Shot with Canon 5DS 50.6mp photos professionally retouched - Lightroom / Photoshop - original size 5792 x 8688 downsampled as needed for clarity and select focus used for dramatic effect)

Co-parenting After Divorce – Tips for Successful Relationships in Paramus, New Jersey

Navigating the complexities of co-parenting after divorce in New Jersey involves a delicate balance of providing a healthy environment for children with New Jersey’s legal considerations. Divorced parents are required to have their parental duties monitored under the vigilant eye of New Jersey's family law system. This legal framework emphasizes the importance...

Co-parenting After Divorce – Tips for Successful Relationships in Paramus, New Jersey Continue reading…
lawyer with couple who is filing for a divorce

Navigating Complex Assets – A Guide To Equitable Distribution

Equitable distribution of complex assets in New Jersey is a legal process that occurs during a divorce, where the spouses can divide their marital property.  Equitable distribution does not necessarily mean a 50/50 split of assets. Instead, it means a fair division based on several factors. It is essential to differentiate...

Navigating Complex Assets – A Guide To Equitable Distribution Continue reading…
Same sex couple considering a divorce

What Are Special Considerations And Steps Involved In A Same-Sex Divorce in New Jersey?

Same-sex divorces in New Jersey are generally subject to the same laws and procedures as different-sex divorces. However, there can be some unique considerations that might come into play:

Marriage Duration: Same-sex marriage was legalized in New Jersey in 2013, which means that even though some...
What Are Special Considerations And Steps Involved In A Same-Sex Divorce in New Jersey? Continue reading…

Benefits of a No-Fault Divorce

There are two different avenues through which a couple can obtain a divorce, a fault divorce, and a no-fault divorce. A fault divorce is when a person is seeking to end a marriage due to some type of “wrongdoing” such as like adultery. A no-fault divorce doesn’t require any wrongdoing. Instead,...

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High Net Worth Divorce Issues

Generally, high net-worth divorces involve cases where the marital property is valued at over one million dollars. Although they involve all the same aspects as a regular divorce, including New Jersey’s law requiring equitable distribution of marital assets, there are often additional intricacies that make high net worth divorces more complicated.

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Benefits of Mediation in Divorce Cases

When handled properly, mediation has a high success rate of resolutions. Bozanian McGregor offers mediation services to those who are going through a divorce. Mediation allows divorcing couples to resolve divorce matters, including child custody, division of property, alimony, and parenting time. Our expert and experienced mediators will help both parties negotiate...

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